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Create a secure password with desired password complexity. The slider provides visual feedback on how secure the generated password is.

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Why should I use PaGen?

Many of us use the same passwords for multiple services, which also contain easy-to-remember words. But why use a password generator like PaGen when it's so easy? Here are 5 reasons!

Weak passwords can be easily cracked by hackers, who may then have access to all your personal data.

PaGen generates passwords with random letters, and if desired also numbers and special characters. The generation is done locally on your client.

Even people who know you can't easily figure out these passwords because they are randomly generated.

PaGen gives you the possibility to choose the length and possible numbers and special characters for the password itself.

PaGen generates your password directly on your device. This means the password is neither stored nor transmitted to the server, ensuring it remains completely local and secure."

A 9-digit password is 60 times more secure than an 8-digit password

If a password generated with PaGen is only one character longer, it is directly up to 60 times more secure. A 9-character password is thus up to 60 times more secure than an 8-character password. With PaGen, a password is generated from up to 60 different characters. With a character length of 8, this results in a possibility of 8⁶⁰ different passwords. With 9 characters, there are even 9⁶⁰ – that's 60 times as many possibilities.

Let's assume that an 8-digit password can be entered with an Brute-Force-Attack crack within 24 hours. A 9-digit thus already in 1.440 hours, which corresponds to 60 days (10 ⋅ 60¹ ). With 10 digits it would be just about 49 month (10 ⋅ 60² ) and for 11 characters ≈247 years (10 ⋅ 60³ ). This kind of multiplication is called exponential growth.

As a conclusion, it can be stated that a password should be at least 12 characters long. According to the calculation, this would only be cracked after 14,795 years.

On the website you can check how long it would take to crack your password. At you can check whether your data has been disclosed in a security incident.

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